package internal

Import Path (on

Dependency Relation
	imports 12 packages, and imported by 2 packages

Package-Level Type Names (total 10, in which 7 are exported)
/* sort exporteds by: | */
( T) GetBoard(string) (*jira.Board, error) ( T) GetBoardIssues(string) ([]jira.Issue, error)
AddCommentToIssue returns a instance pointer to a newly created Jira issue comment (@see *jira.Comment). An error is returned instead if the comment was not successfully added to the Jira issue. @param the instance pointer to a Jira issue or an identifier in string format representing either the issue key or internal ID. @param the comment body in string format to be added to the Jira issue. @return the instance pointer to the upstream *jira.Comment object for further manipulation. @return an error if the provided identifier does not match an existing issue or if the issue was not successfully updated with the new comment. CloneIssue creates a Jira issue using an existing issue as a base template. As a parameter, both the instance pointer and a ticket identifier (key or ID) can be provided. @return the instance pointer of the newly created Jira issue. @return an error if the Jira issue was not successfully created. CreateIssue creates a Jira issue using the provided @param IssueCreationOptions object instance. @return the instance pointer of the newly created Jira issue. @return an error if the Jira issue was not successfully created. DeleteIssue deletes a Jira issue that matches the provided identifier. @param the instance pointer to a Jira issue or an identifier in string format representing either the issue key or internal ID. @return an error if the Jira issue was not deleted successfully. GetIssue returns the pointer to a Jira issue instance that corresponds to the provided identifier (key or ID) in string format. @param the Jira issue identifier representing either the issue key or internal ID. @param the *jira.GetQueryOptions (based of the upstream `go-jira` library). @return the instance pointer of the Jira issue matching the provided identifier. @return an error if no Jira issue was found to be matching the provided identifier. ( T) GetUser(string) (*jira.User, error) SearchIssues searches for Jira issues with a provided JQL query in string format. @param the JQL query. @param the *jira.SearchOptions (based of the upstream `go-jira` library) @param if greater than 0, an error will be returned whenever the search result is greater than the specified value. Useful when using piped commands. i.e. xargs, etc. @return a slice of Jira issues that match the provided JQL query. @return an error if the provided JQL query is not valid. ( T) SearchProjects(...string) ([]jira.Project, error) UpdateIssue returns the pointer of the newly updated Jira issue. @param the instance pointer to a Jira issue or an identifier in string format representing either the issue key or internal ID. @param the fields & properties of the provided Jira issue identifier that will be updated. @return the pointer of the newly updated Jira issue. @return an error if the provided identifier does not match an existing issue or if the issue was not successfully updated. UploadAttachmentsToIssue uploads/attaches files to the provided Jira issue. An error is returned instead if this process does not succeed. @param the instance pointer to a Jira issue or an identifier in string format representing either the issue key or internal ID. @param a variadic *IssueAttachment struct that represents a file path to be uploaded/attached to a Jira issue. @return an error if any of the provided files fail to be uploaded/attached to the Jira issue. T : IssueController T : ProjectController T : UserController func Controller)
Filename string Reader io.Reader ( T) Read(p []byte) (n int, err error) T : io.Reader func Controller.UploadAttachmentsToIssue(interface{}, ...*IssueAttachment) error func IssueController.UploadAttachmentsToIssue(interface{}, ...*IssueAttachment) error
AddCommentToIssue returns a instance pointer to a newly created Jira issue comment (@see *jira.Comment). An error is returned instead if the comment was not successfully added to the Jira issue. @param the instance pointer to a Jira issue or an identifier in string format representing either the issue key or internal ID. @param the comment body in string format to be added to the Jira issue. @return the instance pointer to the upstream *jira.Comment object for further manipulation. @return an error if the provided identifier does not match an existing issue or if the issue was not successfully updated with the new comment. CloneIssue creates a Jira issue using an existing issue as a base template. As a parameter, both the instance pointer and a ticket identifier (key or ID) can be provided. @return the instance pointer of the newly created Jira issue. @return an error if the Jira issue was not successfully created. CreateIssue creates a Jira issue using the provided @param IssueCreationOptions object instance. @return the instance pointer of the newly created Jira issue. @return an error if the Jira issue was not successfully created. DeleteIssue deletes a Jira issue that matches the provided identifier. @param the instance pointer to a Jira issue or an identifier in string format representing either the issue key or internal ID. @return an error if the Jira issue was not deleted successfully. GetIssue returns the pointer to a Jira issue instance that corresponds to the provided identifier (key or ID) in string format. @param the Jira issue identifier representing either the issue key or internal ID. @param the *jira.GetQueryOptions (based of the upstream `go-jira` library). @return the instance pointer of the Jira issue matching the provided identifier. @return an error if no Jira issue was found to be matching the provided identifier. SearchIssues searches for Jira issues with a provided JQL query in string format. @param the JQL query. @param the *jira.SearchOptions (based of the upstream `go-jira` library) @param if greater than 0, an error will be returned whenever the search result is greater than the specified value. Useful when using piped commands. i.e. xargs, etc. @return a slice of Jira issues that match the provided JQL query. @return an error if the provided JQL query is not valid. UpdateIssue returns the pointer of the newly updated Jira issue. @param the instance pointer to a Jira issue or an identifier in string format representing either the issue key or internal ID. @param the fields & properties of the provided Jira issue identifier that will be updated. @return the pointer of the newly updated Jira issue. @return an error if the provided identifier does not match an existing issue or if the issue was not successfully updated. UploadAttachmentsToIssue uploads/attaches files to the provided Jira issue. An error is returned instead if this process does not succeed. @param the instance pointer to a Jira issue or an identifier in string format representing either the issue key or internal ID. @param a variadic *IssueAttachment struct that represents a file path to be uploaded/attached to a Jira issue. @return an error if any of the provided files fail to be uploaded/attached to the Jira issue. Controller (interface)
Assignee string Attachments []*IssueAttachment Comment string Components []string CustomFields tcontainer.MarshalMap Description string IssueType string Labels []string Priority string Project string Summary string func Controller.CreateIssue(*IssueCreationOptions) (*jira.Issue, error) func IssueController.CreateIssue(*IssueCreationOptions) (*jira.Issue, error)
( T) SearchProjects(...string) ([]jira.Project, error) Controller (interface)
( T) GetUser(string) (*jira.User, error) Controller (interface)
Package-Level Functions (total 2, in which 1 are exported)
func NewJira(ctx context.Context, username, password, url string, skipVerifyTLS bool) (*jiraController, error)
Package-Level Constants (only one, which is unexported)