Involved Source Fileschown_linux.go
Package lumberjack provides a rolling logger.
Note that this is v2.0 of lumberjack, and should be imported using
import ""
The package name remains simply lumberjack, and the code resides at under the v2.0 branch.
Lumberjack is intended to be one part of a logging infrastructure.
It is not an all-in-one solution, but instead is a pluggable
component at the bottom of the logging stack that simply controls the files
to which logs are written.
Lumberjack plays well with any logging package that can write to an
io.Writer, including the standard library's log package.
Lumberjack assumes that only one process is writing to the output files.
Using the same lumberjack configuration from multiple processes on the same
machine will result in improper behavior.
Package-Level Type Names (total 3, in which 1 are exported)
/* sort exporteds by: | */
Logger is an io.WriteCloser that writes to the specified filename.
Logger opens or creates the logfile on first Write. If the file exists and
is less than MaxSize megabytes, lumberjack will open and append to that file.
If the file exists and its size is >= MaxSize megabytes, the file is renamed
by putting the current time in a timestamp in the name immediately before the
file's extension (or the end of the filename if there's no extension). A new
log file is then created using original filename.
Whenever a write would cause the current log file exceed MaxSize megabytes,
the current file is closed, renamed, and a new log file created with the
original name. Thus, the filename you give Logger is always the "current" log
Backups use the log file name given to Logger, in the form
`name-timestamp.ext` where name is the filename without the extension,
timestamp is the time at which the log was rotated formatted with the
time.Time format of `2006-01-02T15-04-05.000` and the extension is the
original extension. For example, if your Logger.Filename is
`/var/log/foo/server.log`, a backup created at 6:30pm on Nov 11 2016 would
use the filename `/var/log/foo/server-2016-11-04T18-30-00.000.log`
Cleaning Up Old Log Files
Whenever a new logfile gets created, old log files may be deleted. The most
recent files according to the encoded timestamp will be retained, up to a
number equal to MaxBackups (or all of them if MaxBackups is 0). Any files
with an encoded timestamp older than MaxAge days are deleted, regardless of
MaxBackups. Note that the time encoded in the timestamp is the rotation
time, which may differ from the last time that file was written to.
If MaxBackups and MaxAge are both 0, no old log files will be deleted.
Compress determines if the rotated log files should be compressed
using gzip. The default is not to perform compression.
Filename is the file to write logs to. Backup log files will be retained
in the same directory. It uses <processname>-lumberjack.log in
os.TempDir() if empty.
LocalTime determines if the time used for formatting the timestamps in
backup files is the computer's local time. The default is to use UTC
MaxAge is the maximum number of days to retain old log files based on the
timestamp encoded in their filename. Note that a day is defined as 24
hours and may not exactly correspond to calendar days due to daylight
savings, leap seconds, etc. The default is not to remove old log files
based on age.
MaxBackups is the maximum number of old log files to retain. The default
is to retain all old log files (though MaxAge may still cause them to get
MaxSize is the maximum size in megabytes of the log file before it gets
rotated. It defaults to 100 megabytes.
file*os.FilemillChchan boolmusync.Mutexsizeint64startMillsync.Once
Close implements io.Closer, and closes the current logfile.
Rotate causes Logger to close the existing log file and immediately create a
new one. This is a helper function for applications that want to initiate
rotations outside of the normal rotation rules, such as in response to
SIGHUP. After rotating, this initiates compression and removal of old log
files according to the configuration.
Write implements io.Writer. If a write would cause the log file to be larger
than MaxSize, the file is closed, renamed to include a timestamp of the
current time, and a new log file is created using the original log file name.
If the length of the write is greater than MaxSize, an error is returned.
close closes the file if it is open.
dir returns the directory for the current filename.
genFilename generates the name of the logfile from the current time.
max returns the maximum size in bytes of log files before rolling.
mill performs post-rotation compression and removal of stale log files,
starting the mill goroutine if necessary.
millRun runs in a goroutine to manage post-rotation compression and removal
of old log files.
millRunOnce performs compression and removal of stale log files.
Log files are compressed if enabled via configuration and old log
files are removed, keeping at most l.MaxBackups files, as long as
none of them are older than MaxAge.
oldLogFiles returns the list of backup log files stored in the same
directory as the current log file, sorted by ModTime
openExistingOrNew opens the logfile if it exists and if the current write
would not put it over MaxSize. If there is no such file or the write would
put it over the MaxSize, a new file is created.
openNew opens a new log file for writing, moving any old log file out of the
way. This methods assumes the file has already been closed.
prefixAndExt returns the filename part and extension part from the Logger's
rotate closes the current file, moves it aside with a timestamp in the name,
(if it exists), opens a new file with the original filename, and then runs
post-rotation processing and removal.
timeFromName extracts the formatted time from the filename by stripping off
the filename's prefix and extension. This prevents someone's filename from
confusing time.parse.
*T : io.Closer
*T : io.WriteCloser
*T : io.Writer
byFormatTime sorts by newest time formatted in the name.
( T) Len() int( T) Less(i, j int) bool( T) Swap(i, j int)
T : sort.Interface
logInfo is a convenience struct to return the filename and its embedded
// abbreviation for Mode().IsDir()
// modification time
// file mode bits
// base name of the file
// length in bytes for regular files; system-dependent for others
// underlying data source (can return nil)
T : io/fs.FileInfo
func (*Logger).oldLogFiles() ([]logInfo, error)
Package-Level Functions (total 3, none are exported)
backupName creates a new filename from the given name, inserting a timestamp
between the filename and the extension, using the local time if requested
(otherwise UTC).
compressLogFile compresses the given log file, removing the
uncompressed log file if successful.
Package-Level Variables (total 4, none are exported)
currentTime exists so it can be mocked out by tests.
megabyte is the conversion factor between MaxSize and bytes. It is a
variable so tests can mock it out and not need to write megabytes of data
to disk.
os_Chown is a var so we can mock it out during tests.
os_Stat exists so it can be mocked out by tests.
Package-Level Constants (total 3, none are exported)
The pages are generated with Goldsv0.3.2. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu.
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list.
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