Involved Source Files
Package fmtsort provides a general stable ordering mechanism
for maps, on behalf of the fmt and text/template packages.
It is not guaranteed to be efficient and works only for types
that are valid map keys.
Package-Level Type Names (only one, which is exported)
Package-Level Functions (total 5, in which 1 are exported)
Sort accepts a map and returns a SortedMap that has the same keys and
values but in a stable sorted order according to the keys, modulo issues
raised by unorderable key values such as NaNs.
The ordering rules are more general than with Go's < operator:
- when applicable, nil compares low
- ints, floats, and strings order by <
- NaN compares less than non-NaN floats
- bool compares false before true
- complex compares real, then imag
- pointers compare by machine address
- channel values compare by machine address
- structs compare each field in turn
- arrays compare each element in turn.
Otherwise identical arrays compare by length.
- interface values compare first by reflect.Type describing the concrete type
and then by concrete value as described in the previous rules.
compare compares two values of the same type. It returns -1, 0, 1
according to whether a > b (1), a == b (0), or a < b (-1).
If the types differ, it returns -1.
See the comment on Sort for the comparison rules.
floatCompare compares two floating-point values. NaNs compare low.
nilCompare checks whether either value is nil. If not, the boolean is false.
If either value is nil, the boolean is true and the integer is the comparison
value. The comparison is defined to be 0 if both are nil, otherwise the one
nil value compares low. Both arguments must represent a chan, func,
interface, map, pointer, or slice.
The pages are generated with Goldsv0.3.2. (GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64)
Golds is a Go 101 project developed by Tapir Liu.
PR and bug reports are welcome and can be submitted to the issue list.
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