package table
import (
// Row defines a single row in the Table.
type Row []interface{}
// RowPainter is a custom function that takes a Row as input and returns the
// text.Colors{} to use on the entire row
type RowPainter func(row Row) text.Colors
// rowStr defines a single row in the Table comprised of just string objects.
type rowStr []string
// areEqual returns true if the contents of the 2 given columns are the same
func (row rowStr) areEqual(colIdx1 int, colIdx2 int) bool {
return colIdx1 >= 0 && colIdx2 < len(row) && row[colIdx1] == row[colIdx2]
// Table helps print a 2-dimensional array in a human readable pretty-table.
type Table struct {
// allowedRowLength is the max allowed length for a row (or line of output)
allowedRowLength int
// enable automatic indexing of the rows and columns like a spreadsheet?
autoIndex bool
// autoIndexVIndexMaxLength denotes the length in chars for the last rownum
autoIndexVIndexMaxLength int
// caption stores the text to be rendered just below the table; and doesn't
// get used when rendered as a CSV
caption string
// columnIsNonNumeric stores if a column contains non-numbers in all rows
columnIsNonNumeric []bool
// columnConfigs stores the custom-configuration for 1 or more columns
columnConfigs []ColumnConfig
// columnConfigMap stores the custom-configuration by column
// number and is generated before rendering
columnConfigMap map[int]ColumnConfig
// htmlCSSClass stores the HTML CSS Class to use on the <table> node
htmlCSSClass string
// indexColumn stores the number of the column considered as the "index"
indexColumn int
// maxColumnLengths stores the length of the longest line in each column
maxColumnLengths []int
// maxRowLength stores the length of the longest row
maxRowLength int
// numColumns stores the (max.) number of columns seen
numColumns int
// numLinesRendered keeps track of the number of lines rendered and helps in
// paginating long tables
numLinesRendered int
// outputMirror stores an io.Writer where the "Render" functions would write
outputMirror io.Writer
// pageSize stores the maximum lines to render before rendering the header
// again (to denote a page break) - useful when you are dealing with really
// long tables
pageSize int
// rows stores the rows that make up the body (in string form)
rows []rowStr
// rowsColors stores the text.Colors over-rides for each row as defined by
// rowPainter
rowsColors []text.Colors
// rowsConfigs stores RowConfig for each row
rowsConfigMap map[int]RowConfig
// rowsRaw stores the rows that make up the body
rowsRaw []Row
// rowsFooter stores the rows that make up the footer (in string form)
rowsFooter []rowStr
// rowsFooterConfigs stores RowConfig for each footer row
rowsFooterConfigMap map[int]RowConfig
// rowsFooterRaw stores the rows that make up the footer
rowsFooterRaw []Row
// rowsHeader stores the rows that make up the header (in string form)
rowsHeader []rowStr
// rowsHeaderConfigs stores RowConfig for each header row
rowsHeaderConfigMap map[int]RowConfig
// rowsHeaderRaw stores the rows that make up the header
rowsHeaderRaw []Row
// rowPainter is a custom function that given a Row, returns the colors to
// use on the entire row
rowPainter RowPainter
// rowSeparator is a dummy row that contains the separator columns (dashes
// that make up the separator between header/body/footer
rowSeparator rowStr
// separators is used to keep track of all rowIndices after which a
// separator has to be rendered
separators map[int]bool
// sortBy stores a map of Column
sortBy []SortBy
// style contains all the strings used to draw the table, and more
style *Style
// suppressEmptyColumns hides columns which have no content on all regular
// rows
suppressEmptyColumns bool
// title contains the text to appear above the table
title string
// AppendFooter appends the row to the List of footers to render.
// Only the first item in the "config" will be tagged against this row.
func (t *Table) AppendFooter(row Row, config ...RowConfig) {
t.rowsFooterRaw = append(t.rowsFooterRaw, row)
if len(config) > 0 {
if t.rowsFooterConfigMap == nil {
t.rowsFooterConfigMap = make(map[int]RowConfig)
t.rowsFooterConfigMap[len(t.rowsFooterRaw)-1] = config[0]
// AppendHeader appends the row to the List of headers to render.
// Only the first item in the "config" will be tagged against this row.
func (t *Table) AppendHeader(row Row, config ...RowConfig) {
t.rowsHeaderRaw = append(t.rowsHeaderRaw, row)
if len(config) > 0 {
if t.rowsHeaderConfigMap == nil {
t.rowsHeaderConfigMap = make(map[int]RowConfig)
t.rowsHeaderConfigMap[len(t.rowsHeaderRaw)-1] = config[0]
// AppendRow appends the row to the List of rows to render.
// Only the first item in the "config" will be tagged against this row.
func (t *Table) AppendRow(row Row, config ...RowConfig) {
t.rowsRaw = append(t.rowsRaw, row)
if len(config) > 0 {
if t.rowsConfigMap == nil {
t.rowsConfigMap = make(map[int]RowConfig)
t.rowsConfigMap[len(t.rowsRaw)-1] = config[0]
// AppendRows appends the rows to the List of rows to render.
// Only the first item in the "config" will be tagged against all the rows.
func (t *Table) AppendRows(rows []Row, config ...RowConfig) {
for _, row := range rows {
t.AppendRow(row, config...)
// AppendSeparator helps render a separator row after the current last row. You
// could call this function over and over, but it will be a no-op unless you
// call AppendRow or AppendRows in between. Likewise, if the last thing you
// append is a separator, it will not be rendered in addition to the usual table
// separator.
// Please note the following caveats:
// 1. SetPageSize(): this may end up creating consecutive separator rows near
// the end of a page or at the beginning of a page
// 2. SortBy(): since SortBy could inherently alter the ordering of rows, the
// separators may not appear after the row it was originally intended to
// follow
func (t *Table) AppendSeparator() {
if t.separators == nil {
t.separators = make(map[int]bool)
if len(t.rowsRaw) > 0 {
t.separators[len(t.rowsRaw)-1] = true
// Length returns the number of rows to be rendered.
func (t *Table) Length() int {
return len(t.rowsRaw)
// ResetFooters resets and clears all the Footer rows appended earlier.
func (t *Table) ResetFooters() {
t.rowsFooterRaw = nil
// ResetHeaders resets and clears all the Header rows appended earlier.
func (t *Table) ResetHeaders() {
t.rowsHeaderRaw = nil
// ResetRows resets and clears all the rows appended earlier.
func (t *Table) ResetRows() {
t.rowsRaw = nil
t.separators = nil
// SetAllowedRowLength sets the maximum allowed length or a row (or line of
// output) when rendered as a table. Rows that are longer than this limit will
// be "snipped" to the length. Length has to be a positive value to take effect.
func (t *Table) SetAllowedRowLength(length int) {
t.allowedRowLength = length
// SetAutoIndex adds a generated header with columns such as "A", "B", "C", etc.
// and a leading column with the row number similar to what you'd see on any
// spreadsheet application. NOTE: Appending a Header will void this
// functionality.
func (t *Table) SetAutoIndex(autoIndex bool) {
t.autoIndex = autoIndex
// SetCaption sets the text to be rendered just below the table. This will not
// show up when the Table is rendered as a CSV.
func (t *Table) SetCaption(format string, a ...interface{}) {
t.caption = fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)
// SetColumnConfigs sets the configs for each Column.
func (t *Table) SetColumnConfigs(configs []ColumnConfig) {
t.columnConfigs = configs
// SetHTMLCSSClass sets the the HTML CSS Class to use on the <table> node
// when rendering the Table in HTML format.
// Deprecated: in favor of Style().HTML.CSSClass
func (t *Table) SetHTMLCSSClass(cssClass string) {
t.htmlCSSClass = cssClass
// SetIndexColumn sets the given Column # as the column that has the row
// "Number". Valid values range from 1 to N. Note that this is not 0-indexed.
func (t *Table) SetIndexColumn(colNum int) {
t.indexColumn = colNum
// SetOutputMirror sets an io.Writer for all the Render functions to "Write" to
// in addition to returning a string.
func (t *Table) SetOutputMirror(mirror io.Writer) {
t.outputMirror = mirror
// SetPageSize sets the maximum number of lines to render before rendering the
// header rows again. This can be useful when dealing with tables containing a
// long list of rows that can span pages. Please note that the pagination logic
// will not consider Header/Footer lines for paging.
func (t *Table) SetPageSize(numLines int) {
t.pageSize = numLines
// SetRowPainter sets the RowPainter function which determines the colors to use
// on a row. Before rendering, this function is invoked on all rows and the
// color of each row is determined. This color takes precedence over other ways
// to set color (ColumnConfig.Color*, SetColor*()).
func (t *Table) SetRowPainter(painter RowPainter) {
t.rowPainter = painter
// SetStyle overrides the DefaultStyle with the provided one.
func (t *Table) SetStyle(style Style) { = &style
// SetTitle sets the title text to be rendered above the table.
func (t *Table) SetTitle(format string, a ...interface{}) {
t.title = fmt.Sprintf(format, a...)
// SortBy sets the rules for sorting the Rows in the order specified. i.e., the
// first SortBy instruction takes precedence over the second and so on. Any
// duplicate instructions on the same column will be discarded while sorting.
func (t *Table) SortBy(sortBy []SortBy) {
t.sortBy = sortBy
// Style returns the current style.
func (t *Table) Style() *Style {
if == nil {
tempStyle := StyleDefault = &tempStyle
// SuppressEmptyColumns hides columns when the column is empty in ALL the
// regular rows.
func (t *Table) SuppressEmptyColumns() {
t.suppressEmptyColumns = true
func (t *Table) analyzeAndStringify(row Row, hint renderHint) rowStr {
// update t.numColumns if this row is the longest seen till now
if len(row) > t.numColumns {
// init the slice for the first time; and pad it the rest of the time
if t.numColumns == 0 {
t.columnIsNonNumeric = make([]bool, len(row))
} else {
t.columnIsNonNumeric = append(t.columnIsNonNumeric, make([]bool, len(row)-t.numColumns)...)
// update t.numColumns
t.numColumns = len(row)
// convert each column to string and figure out if it has non-numeric data
rowOut := make(rowStr, len(row))
for colIdx, col := range row {
// if the column is not a number, keep track of it
if !hint.isHeaderRow && !hint.isFooterRow && !t.columnIsNonNumeric[colIdx] && !isNumber(col) {
t.columnIsNonNumeric[colIdx] = true
// convert to a string and store it in the row
var colStr string
if transformer := t.getColumnTransformer(colIdx, hint); transformer != nil {
colStr = transformer(col)
} else if colStrVal, ok := col.(string); ok {
colStr = colStrVal
} else {
colStr = fmt.Sprint(col)
if strings.Contains(colStr, "\t") {
colStr = strings.Replace(colStr, "\t", " ", -1)
if strings.Contains(colStr, "\r") {
colStr = strings.Replace(colStr, "\r", "", -1)
rowOut[colIdx] = colStr
return rowOut
func (t *Table) getAlign(colIdx int, hint renderHint) text.Align {
align := text.AlignDefault
if cfg, ok := t.columnConfigMap[colIdx]; ok {
if hint.isHeaderRow {
align = cfg.AlignHeader
} else if hint.isFooterRow {
align = cfg.AlignFooter
} else {
align = cfg.Align
if align == text.AlignDefault {
if !t.columnIsNonNumeric[colIdx] {
align = text.AlignRight
} else if hint.isAutoIndexRow {
align = text.AlignCenter
return align
func (t *Table) getAutoIndexColumnIDs() rowStr {
row := make(rowStr, t.numColumns)
for colIdx := range row {
row[colIdx] = AutoIndexColumnID(colIdx)
return row
func (t *Table) getBorderColors(hint renderHint) text.Colors {
if hint.isFooterRow {
} else if t.autoIndex {
func (t *Table) getColumnColors(colIdx int, hint renderHint) text.Colors {
if t.rowPainter != nil && hint.isRegularRow() && !t.isIndexColumn(colIdx, hint) {
colors := t.rowsColors[hint.rowNumber-1]
if colors != nil {
return colors
if cfg, ok := t.columnConfigMap[colIdx]; ok {
if hint.isSeparatorRow {
return nil
} else if hint.isHeaderRow {
return cfg.ColorsHeader
} else if hint.isFooterRow {
return cfg.ColorsFooter
return cfg.Colors
return nil
func (t *Table) getColumnSeparator(row rowStr, colIdx int, hint renderHint) string {
separator :=
if hint.isSeparatorRow {
if hint.isBorderTop {
if t.shouldMergeCellsHorizontallyBelow(row, colIdx, hint) {
separator =
} else {
separator =
} else if hint.isBorderBottom {
if t.shouldMergeCellsHorizontallyAbove(row, colIdx, hint) {
separator =
} else {
separator =
} else {
separator = t.getColumnSeparatorNonBorder(
t.shouldMergeCellsHorizontallyAbove(row, colIdx, hint),
t.shouldMergeCellsHorizontallyBelow(row, colIdx, hint),
return separator
func (t *Table) getColumnSeparatorNonBorder(mergeCellsAbove bool, mergeCellsBelow bool, colIdx int, hint renderHint) string {
mergeNextCol := t.shouldMergeCellsVertically(colIdx, hint)
if hint.isAutoIndexColumn {
return t.getColumnSeparatorNonBorderAutoIndex(mergeNextCol, hint)
mergeCurrCol := t.shouldMergeCellsVertically(colIdx-1, hint)
return t.getColumnSeparatorNonBorderNonAutoIndex(mergeCellsAbove, mergeCellsBelow, mergeCurrCol, mergeNextCol)
func (t *Table) getColumnSeparatorNonBorderAutoIndex(mergeNextCol bool, hint renderHint) string {
if hint.isHeaderOrFooterSeparator() {
if mergeNextCol {
} else if mergeNextCol {
func (t *Table) getColumnSeparatorNonBorderNonAutoIndex(mergeCellsAbove bool, mergeCellsBelow bool, mergeCurrCol bool, mergeNextCol bool) string {
if mergeCellsAbove && mergeCellsBelow && mergeCurrCol && mergeNextCol {
} else if mergeCellsAbove && mergeCellsBelow {
} else if mergeCellsAbove {
} else if mergeCellsBelow {
} else if mergeCurrCol && mergeNextCol {
} else if mergeCurrCol {
func (t *Table) getColumnTransformer(colIdx int, hint renderHint) text.Transformer {
var transformer text.Transformer
if cfg, ok := t.columnConfigMap[colIdx]; ok {
if hint.isHeaderRow {
transformer = cfg.TransformerHeader
} else if hint.isFooterRow {
transformer = cfg.TransformerFooter
} else {
transformer = cfg.Transformer
return transformer
func (t *Table) getColumnWidthMax(colIdx int) int {
if cfg, ok := t.columnConfigMap[colIdx]; ok {
return cfg.WidthMax
return 0
func (t *Table) getColumnWidthMin(colIdx int) int {
if cfg, ok := t.columnConfigMap[colIdx]; ok {
return cfg.WidthMin
return 0
func (t *Table) getFormat(hint renderHint) text.Format {
if hint.isSeparatorRow {
return text.FormatDefault
} else if hint.isHeaderRow {
} else if hint.isFooterRow {
func (t *Table) getRow(rowIdx int, hint renderHint) rowStr {
switch {
case hint.isHeaderRow:
if rowIdx >= 0 && rowIdx < len(t.rowsHeader) {
return t.rowsHeader[rowIdx]
case hint.isFooterRow:
if rowIdx >= 0 && rowIdx < len(t.rowsFooter) {
return t.rowsFooter[rowIdx]
if rowIdx >= 0 && rowIdx < len(t.rows) {
return t.rows[rowIdx]
return rowStr{}
func (t *Table) getRowConfig(hint renderHint) RowConfig {
rowIdx := hint.rowNumber - 1
if rowIdx < 0 {
rowIdx = 0
switch {
case hint.isHeaderRow:
return t.rowsHeaderConfigMap[rowIdx]
case hint.isFooterRow:
return t.rowsFooterConfigMap[rowIdx]
return t.rowsConfigMap[rowIdx]
func (t *Table) getSeparatorColors(hint renderHint) text.Colors {
if hint.isHeaderRow {
} else if hint.isFooterRow {
} else if hint.isAutoIndexColumn {
} else if hint.rowNumber > 0 && hint.rowNumber%2 == 0 {
func (t *Table) getVAlign(colIdx int, hint renderHint) text.VAlign {
vAlign := text.VAlignDefault
if cfg, ok := t.columnConfigMap[colIdx]; ok {
if hint.isHeaderRow {
vAlign = cfg.VAlignHeader
} else if hint.isFooterRow {
vAlign = cfg.VAlignFooter
} else {
vAlign = cfg.VAlign
return vAlign
func (t *Table) initForRender() {
// pick a default style if none was set until now
// initialize the column configs and normalize them
// initialize and stringify all the raw rows
// find the longest continuous line in each column
// generate a separator row and calculate maximum row length
// reset the counter for the number of lines rendered
t.numLinesRendered = 0
func (t *Table) initForRenderColumnConfigs() {
findColumnNumber := func(row Row, colName string) int {
for colIdx, col := range row {
if fmt.Sprint(col) == colName {
return colIdx + 1
return 0
t.columnConfigMap = map[int]ColumnConfig{}
for _, colCfg := range t.columnConfigs {
// find the column number if none provided; this logic can work only if
// a header row is present and has a column with the given name
if colCfg.Number == 0 {
for _, row := range t.rowsHeaderRaw {
colCfg.Number = findColumnNumber(row, colCfg.Name)
if colCfg.Number > 0 {
if colCfg.Number > 0 {
t.columnConfigMap[colCfg.Number-1] = colCfg
func (t *Table) initForRenderColumnLengths() {
var findMaxColumnLengths = func(rows []rowStr) {
for _, row := range rows {
for colIdx, colStr := range row {
longestLineLen := text.LongestLineLen(colStr)
if longestLineLen > t.maxColumnLengths[colIdx] {
t.maxColumnLengths[colIdx] = longestLineLen
t.maxColumnLengths = make([]int, t.numColumns)
// restrict the column lengths if any are over or under the limits
for colIdx := range t.maxColumnLengths {
maxWidth := t.getColumnWidthMax(colIdx)
if maxWidth > 0 && t.maxColumnLengths[colIdx] > maxWidth {
t.maxColumnLengths[colIdx] = maxWidth
minWidth := t.getColumnWidthMin(colIdx)
if minWidth > 0 && t.maxColumnLengths[colIdx] < minWidth {
t.maxColumnLengths[colIdx] = minWidth
func (t *Table) initForRenderHideColumns() {
// if there is nothing to hide, return fast
hasHiddenColumns := false
for _, cc := range t.columnConfigMap {
if cc.Hidden {
hasHiddenColumns = true
if !hasHiddenColumns {
colIdxMap := make(map[int]int)
numColumns := 0
_hideColumns := func(rows []rowStr) []rowStr {
var rsp []rowStr
for _, row := range rows {
var rowNew rowStr
for colIdx, col := range row {
cc := t.columnConfigMap[colIdx]
if !cc.Hidden {
rowNew = append(rowNew, col)
colIdxMap[colIdx] = len(rowNew) - 1
if len(rowNew) > numColumns {
numColumns = len(rowNew)
rsp = append(rsp, rowNew)
return rsp
// hide columns as directed
t.rows = _hideColumns(t.rows)
t.rowsFooter = _hideColumns(t.rowsFooter)
t.rowsHeader = _hideColumns(t.rowsHeader)
// reset numColumns to the new number of columns
t.numColumns = numColumns
// re-create columnIsNonNumeric with new column indices
columnIsNonNumeric := make([]bool, t.numColumns)
for oldColIdx, nonNumeric := range t.columnIsNonNumeric {
if newColIdx, ok := colIdxMap[oldColIdx]; ok {
columnIsNonNumeric[newColIdx] = nonNumeric
t.columnIsNonNumeric = columnIsNonNumeric
// re-create columnConfigMap with new column indices
columnConfigMap := make(map[int]ColumnConfig)
for oldColIdx, cc := range t.columnConfigMap {
if newColIdx, ok := colIdxMap[oldColIdx]; ok {
columnConfigMap[newColIdx] = cc
t.columnConfigMap = columnConfigMap
func (t *Table) initForRenderRows() {
// auto-index: calc the index column's max length
t.autoIndexVIndexMaxLength = len(fmt.Sprint(len(t.rowsRaw)))
// stringify all the rows to make it easy to render
if t.rowPainter != nil {
t.rowsColors = make([]text.Colors, len(t.rowsRaw))
t.rows = t.initForRenderRowsStringify(t.rowsRaw, renderHint{})
t.rowsFooter = t.initForRenderRowsStringify(t.rowsFooterRaw, renderHint{isFooterRow: true})
t.rowsHeader = t.initForRenderRowsStringify(t.rowsHeaderRaw, renderHint{isHeaderRow: true})
// sort the rows as requested
// suppress columns without any content
// strip out hidden columns
func (t *Table) initForRenderRowsStringify(rows []Row, hint renderHint) []rowStr {
rowsStr := make([]rowStr, len(rows))
for idx, row := range rows {
if t.rowPainter != nil && hint.isRegularRow() {
t.rowsColors[idx] = t.rowPainter(row)
rowsStr[idx] = t.analyzeAndStringify(row, hint)
return rowsStr
func (t *Table) initForRenderRowSeparator() {
t.maxRowLength = 0
if t.autoIndex {
t.maxRowLength += text.RuneCount(
t.maxRowLength += len(fmt.Sprint(len(t.rows)))
t.maxRowLength += text.RuneCount(
if {
t.maxRowLength += text.RuneCount(
if {
t.maxRowLength += text.RuneCount( * (t.numColumns - 1)
t.rowSeparator = make(rowStr, t.numColumns)
for colIdx, maxColumnLength := range t.maxColumnLengths {
maxColumnLength += text.RuneCount( +
t.maxRowLength += maxColumnLength
t.rowSeparator[colIdx] = text.RepeatAndTrim(, maxColumnLength)
if {
t.maxRowLength += text.RuneCount( +
func (t *Table) initForRenderSortRows() {
if len(t.sortBy) == 0 {
// sort the rows
sortedRowIndices := t.getSortedRowIndices()
sortedRows := make([]rowStr, len(t.rows))
for idx := range t.rows {
sortedRows[idx] = t.rows[sortedRowIndices[idx]]
t.rows = sortedRows
// sort the rowsColors
if len(t.rowsColors) > 0 {
sortedRowsColors := make([]text.Colors, len(t.rows))
for idx := range t.rows {
sortedRowsColors[idx] = t.rowsColors[sortedRowIndices[idx]]
t.rowsColors = sortedRowsColors
func (t *Table) initForRenderSuppressColumns() {
shouldSuppressColumn := func(colIdx int) bool {
for _, row := range t.rows {
if colIdx < len(row) && row[colIdx] != "" {
return false
return true
if t.suppressEmptyColumns {
for colIdx := 0; colIdx < t.numColumns; colIdx++ {
if shouldSuppressColumn(colIdx) {
cc := t.columnConfigMap[colIdx]
cc.Hidden = true
t.columnConfigMap[colIdx] = cc
func (t *Table) isIndexColumn(colIdx int, hint renderHint) bool {
return t.indexColumn == colIdx+1 || hint.isAutoIndexColumn
func (t *Table) render(out *strings.Builder) string {
outStr := out.String()
if t.outputMirror != nil && len(outStr) > 0 {
_, _ = t.outputMirror.Write([]byte(outStr))
_, _ = t.outputMirror.Write([]byte("\n"))
return outStr
func (t *Table) reset() {
t.autoIndexVIndexMaxLength = 0
t.columnIsNonNumeric = nil
t.maxColumnLengths = nil
t.maxRowLength = 0
t.numColumns = 0
t.rowsColors = nil
t.rowSeparator = nil
t.rows = nil
t.rowsFooter = nil
t.rowsHeader = nil
func (t *Table) shouldMergeCellsHorizontallyAbove(row rowStr, colIdx int, hint renderHint) bool {
if hint.isAutoIndexColumn || hint.isAutoIndexRow {
return false
rowConfig := t.getRowConfig(hint)
if hint.isSeparatorRow {
if hint.isHeaderRow && hint.rowNumber == 1 {
rowConfig = t.getRowConfig(hint)
row = t.getRow(hint.rowNumber-1, hint)
} else if hint.isFooterRow && hint.isFirstRow {
rowConfig = t.getRowConfig(renderHint{isLastRow: true, rowNumber: len(t.rows)})
row = t.getRow(len(t.rows)-1, renderHint{})
} else if hint.isFooterRow && hint.isBorderBottom {
row = t.getRow(len(t.rowsFooter)-1, renderHint{isFooterRow: true})
} else {
row = t.getRow(hint.rowNumber-1, hint)
if rowConfig.AutoMerge {
return row.areEqual(colIdx-1, colIdx)
return false
func (t *Table) shouldMergeCellsHorizontallyBelow(row rowStr, colIdx int, hint renderHint) bool {
if hint.isAutoIndexColumn || hint.isAutoIndexRow {
return false
var rowConfig RowConfig
if hint.isSeparatorRow {
if hint.isHeaderRow && hint.rowNumber == 0 {
rowConfig = t.getRowConfig(renderHint{isHeaderRow: true, rowNumber: 1})
row = t.getRow(0, hint)
} else if hint.isHeaderRow && hint.isLastRow {
rowConfig = t.getRowConfig(renderHint{rowNumber: 1})
row = t.getRow(0, renderHint{})
} else if hint.isFooterRow && hint.rowNumber >= 0 {
rowConfig = t.getRowConfig(renderHint{isFooterRow: true, rowNumber: 1})
row = t.getRow(hint.rowNumber, renderHint{isFooterRow: true})
} else if hint.isRegularRow() {
rowConfig = t.getRowConfig(renderHint{rowNumber: hint.rowNumber + 1})
row = t.getRow(hint.rowNumber, renderHint{})
if rowConfig.AutoMerge {
return row.areEqual(colIdx-1, colIdx)
return false
func (t *Table) shouldMergeCellsVertically(colIdx int, hint renderHint) bool {
if t.columnConfigMap[colIdx].AutoMerge && colIdx < t.numColumns {
if hint.isSeparatorRow {
rowPrev := t.getRow(hint.rowNumber-1, hint)
rowNext := t.getRow(hint.rowNumber, hint)
if colIdx < len(rowPrev) && colIdx < len(rowNext) {
return rowPrev[colIdx] == rowNext[colIdx] || "" == rowNext[colIdx]
} else {
rowPrev := t.getRow(hint.rowNumber-2, hint)
rowCurr := t.getRow(hint.rowNumber-1, hint)
if colIdx < len(rowPrev) && colIdx < len(rowCurr) {
return rowPrev[colIdx] == rowCurr[colIdx] || "" == rowCurr[colIdx]
return false
// renderHint has hints for the Render*() logic
type renderHint struct {
isAutoIndexColumn bool // auto-index column?
isAutoIndexRow bool // auto-index row?
isBorderBottom bool // bottom-border?
isBorderTop bool // top-border?
isFirstRow bool // first-row of header/footer/regular-rows?
isFooterRow bool // footer row?
isHeaderRow bool // header row?
isLastLineOfRow bool // last-line of the current row?
isLastRow bool // last-row of header/footer/regular-rows?
isSeparatorRow bool // separator row?
rowLineNumber int // the line number for a multi-line row
rowNumber int // the row number/index
func (h *renderHint) isRegularRow() bool {
return !h.isHeaderRow && !h.isFooterRow
func (h *renderHint) isHeaderOrFooterSeparator() bool {
return h.isSeparatorRow && !h.isBorderBottom && !h.isBorderTop &&
((h.isHeaderRow && !h.isLastRow) || (h.isFooterRow && (!h.isFirstRow || h.rowNumber > 0)))
func (h *renderHint) isLastLineOfLastRow() bool {
return h.isLastLineOfRow && h.isLastRow
 |
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