package text

import (

// WrapHard wraps a string to the given length using a newline. Handles strings
// with ANSI escape sequences (such as text color) without breaking the text
// formatting. Breaks all words that go beyond the line boundary.
// For examples, refer to the unit-tests or GoDoc examples.
func WrapHard(str string, wrapLen int) string {
	if wrapLen <= 0 {
		return ""
	str = strings.Replace(str, "\t", "    ", -1)
	sLen := utf8.RuneCountInString(str)
	if sLen <= wrapLen {
		return str

	out := &strings.Builder{}
	out.Grow(sLen + (sLen / wrapLen))
	for idx, paragraph := range strings.Split(str, "\n\n") {
		if idx > 0 {
		wrapHard(paragraph, wrapLen, out)

	return out.String()

// WrapSoft wraps a string to the given length using a newline. Handles strings
// with ANSI escape sequences (such as text color) without breaking the text
// formatting. Tries to move words that go beyond the line boundary to the next
// line.
// For examples, refer to the unit-tests or GoDoc examples.
func WrapSoft(str string, wrapLen int) string {
	if wrapLen <= 0 {
		return ""
	str = strings.Replace(str, "\t", "    ", -1)
	sLen := utf8.RuneCountInString(str)
	if sLen <= wrapLen {
		return str

	out := &strings.Builder{}
	out.Grow(sLen + (sLen / wrapLen))
	for idx, paragraph := range strings.Split(str, "\n\n") {
		if idx > 0 {
		wrapSoft(paragraph, wrapLen, out)

	return out.String()

// WrapText is very similar to WrapHard except for one minor difference. Unlike
// WrapHard which discards line-breaks and respects only paragraph-breaks, this
// function respects line-breaks too.
// For examples, refer to the unit-tests or GoDoc examples.
func WrapText(str string, wrapLen int) string {
	if wrapLen <= 0 {
		return ""

	var out strings.Builder
	sLen := utf8.RuneCountInString(str)
	out.Grow(sLen + (sLen / wrapLen))
	lineIdx, isEscSeq, lastEscSeq := 0, false, ""
	for _, char := range str {
		if char == EscapeStartRune {
			isEscSeq = true
			lastEscSeq = ""
		if isEscSeq {
			lastEscSeq += string(char)

		appendChar(char, wrapLen, &lineIdx, isEscSeq, lastEscSeq, &out)

		if isEscSeq && char == EscapeStopRune {
			isEscSeq = false
		if lastEscSeq == EscapeReset {
			lastEscSeq = ""
	if lastEscSeq != "" && lastEscSeq != EscapeReset {
	return out.String()

func appendChar(char rune, wrapLen int, lineLen *int, inEscSeq bool, lastSeenEscSeq string, out *strings.Builder) {
	// handle reaching the end of the line as dictated by wrapLen or by finding
	// a newline character
	if (*lineLen == wrapLen && !inEscSeq && char != '\n') || (char == '\n') {
		if lastSeenEscSeq != "" {
			// terminate escape sequence and the line; and restart the escape
			// sequence in the next line
		} else {
			// just start a new line
		// reset line index to 0th character
		*lineLen = 0

	// if the rune is not a new line, output it
	if char != '\n' {

		// increment the line index if not in the middle of an escape sequence
		if !inEscSeq {

func appendWord(word string, lineIdx *int, lastSeenEscSeq string, wrapLen int, out *strings.Builder) {
	inEscSeq := false
	for _, char := range word {
		if char == EscapeStartRune {
			inEscSeq = true
			lastSeenEscSeq = ""
		if inEscSeq {
			lastSeenEscSeq += string(char)

		appendChar(char, wrapLen, lineIdx, inEscSeq, lastSeenEscSeq, out)

		if inEscSeq && char == EscapeStopRune {
			inEscSeq = false
		if lastSeenEscSeq == EscapeReset {
			lastSeenEscSeq = ""

func extractOpenEscapeSeq(str string) string {
	escapeSeq, inEscSeq := "", false
	for _, char := range str {
		if char == EscapeStartRune {
			inEscSeq = true
			escapeSeq = ""
		if inEscSeq {
			escapeSeq += string(char)
		if char == EscapeStopRune {
			inEscSeq = false
	if escapeSeq == EscapeReset {
		escapeSeq = ""
	return escapeSeq

func terminateLine(wrapLen int, lineLen *int, lastSeenEscSeq string, out *strings.Builder) {
	if *lineLen < wrapLen {
		out.WriteString(strings.Repeat(" ", wrapLen-*lineLen))
	// something is already on the line; terminate it
	if lastSeenEscSeq != "" {
	*lineLen = 0

func terminateOutput(lastSeenEscSeq string, out *strings.Builder) {
	if lastSeenEscSeq != "" && lastSeenEscSeq != EscapeReset && !strings.HasSuffix(out.String(), EscapeReset) {

func wrapHard(paragraph string, wrapLen int, out *strings.Builder) {
	lineLen, lastSeenEscSeq := 0, ""
	words := strings.Fields(paragraph)
	for wordIdx, word := range words {
		escSeq := extractOpenEscapeSeq(word)
		if escSeq != "" {
			lastSeenEscSeq = escSeq
		if lineLen > 0 {
			out.WriteRune(' ')

		wordLen := RuneCount(word)
		if lineLen+wordLen <= wrapLen { // word fits within the line
			lineLen += wordLen
		} else { // word doesn't fit within the line; hard-wrap
			appendWord(word, &lineLen, lastSeenEscSeq, wrapLen, out)

		// end of line; but more words incoming
		if lineLen == wrapLen && wordIdx < len(words)-1 {
			terminateLine(wrapLen, &lineLen, lastSeenEscSeq, out)
	terminateOutput(lastSeenEscSeq, out)

func wrapSoft(paragraph string, wrapLen int, out *strings.Builder) {
	lineLen, lastSeenEscSeq := 0, ""
	words := strings.Fields(paragraph)
	for wordIdx, word := range words {
		escSeq := extractOpenEscapeSeq(word)
		if escSeq != "" {
			lastSeenEscSeq = escSeq
		spacing, spacingLen := "", 0
		if lineLen > 0 {
			spacing, spacingLen = " ", 1

		wordLen := RuneCount(word)
		if lineLen+spacingLen+wordLen <= wrapLen { // word fits within the line
			lineLen += spacingLen + wordLen
		} else { // word doesn't fit within the line
			if lineLen > 0 { // something is already on the line; terminate it
				terminateLine(wrapLen, &lineLen, lastSeenEscSeq, out)
			if wordLen <= wrapLen { // word fits within a single line
				lineLen = wordLen
			} else { // word doesn't fit within a single line; hard-wrap
				appendWord(word, &lineLen, lastSeenEscSeq, wrapLen, out)

		// end of line; but more words incoming
		if lineLen == wrapLen && wordIdx < len(words)-1 {
			terminateLine(wrapLen, &lineLen, lastSeenEscSeq, out)
	terminateOutput(lastSeenEscSeq, out)