package list

import (

// Searcher is a base function signature that is used inside select when activating the search mode.
// If defined, it is called on each items of the select and should return a boolean for whether or not
// the item fits the searched term.
type Searcher func(input string, index int) bool

// NotFound is an index returned when no item was selected. This could
// happen due to a search without results.
const NotFound = -1

// List holds a collection of items that can be displayed with an N number of
// visible items. The list can be moved up, down by one item of time or an
// entire page (ie: visible size). It keeps track of the current selected item.
type List struct {
	items    []*interface{}
	scope    []*interface{}
	cursor   int // cursor holds the index of the current selected item
	size     int // size is the number of visible options
	start    int
	Searcher Searcher

// New creates and initializes a list of searchable items. The items attribute must be a slice type with a
// size greater than 0. Error will be returned if those two conditions are not met.
func New(items interface{}, size int) (*List, error) {
	if size < 1 {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("list size %d must be greater than 0", size)

	if items == nil || reflect.TypeOf(items).Kind() != reflect.Slice {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("items %v is not a slice", items)

	slice := reflect.ValueOf(items)
	values := make([]*interface{}, slice.Len())

	for i := range values {
		item := slice.Index(i).Interface()
		values[i] = &item

	return &List{size: size, items: values, scope: values}, nil

// Prev moves the visible list back one item. If the selected item is out of
// view, the new select item becomes the last visible item. If the list is
// already at the top, nothing happens.
func (l *List) Prev() {
	if l.cursor > 0 {

	if l.start > l.cursor {
		l.start = l.cursor

// Search allows the list to be filtered by a given term. The list must
// implement the searcher function signature for this functionality to work.
func (l *List) Search(term string) {
	term = strings.Trim(term, " ")
	l.cursor = 0
	l.start = 0

// CancelSearch stops the current search and returns the list to its
// original order.
func (l *List) CancelSearch() {
	l.cursor = 0
	l.start = 0
	l.scope = l.items

func (l *List) search(term string) {
	var scope []*interface{}

	for i, item := range l.items {
		if l.Searcher(term, i) {
			scope = append(scope, item)

	l.scope = scope

// Start returns the current render start position of the list.
func (l *List) Start() int {
	return l.start

// SetStart sets the current scroll position. Values out of bounds will be
// clamped.
func (l *List) SetStart(i int) {
	if i < 0 {
		i = 0
	if i > l.cursor {
		l.start = l.cursor
	} else {
		l.start = i

// SetCursor sets the position of the cursor in the list. Values out of bounds
// will be clamped.
func (l *List) SetCursor(i int) {
	max := len(l.scope) - 1
	if i >= max {
		i = max
	if i < 0 {
		i = 0
	l.cursor = i

	if l.start > l.cursor {
		l.start = l.cursor
	} else if l.start+l.size <= l.cursor {
		l.start = l.cursor - l.size + 1

// Next moves the visible list forward one item. If the selected item is out of
// view, the new select item becomes the first visible item. If the list is
// already at the bottom, nothing happens.
func (l *List) Next() {
	max := len(l.scope) - 1

	if l.cursor < max {

	if l.start+l.size <= l.cursor {
		l.start = l.cursor - l.size + 1

// PageUp moves the visible list backward by x items. Where x is the size of the
// visible items on the list. The selected item becomes the first visible item.
// If the list is already at the bottom, the selected item becomes the last
// visible item.
func (l *List) PageUp() {
	start := l.start - l.size
	if start < 0 {
		l.start = 0
	} else {
		l.start = start

	cursor := l.start

	if cursor < l.cursor {
		l.cursor = cursor

// PageDown moves the visible list forward by x items. Where x is the size of
// the visible items on the list. The selected item becomes the first visible
// item.
func (l *List) PageDown() {
	start := l.start + l.size
	max := len(l.scope) - l.size

	switch {
	case len(l.scope) < l.size:
		l.start = 0
	case start > max:
		l.start = max
		l.start = start

	cursor := l.start

	if cursor == l.cursor {
		l.cursor = len(l.scope) - 1
	} else if cursor > l.cursor {
		l.cursor = cursor

// CanPageDown returns whether a list can still PageDown().
func (l *List) CanPageDown() bool {
	max := len(l.scope)
	return l.start+l.size < max

// CanPageUp returns whether a list can still PageUp().
func (l *List) CanPageUp() bool {
	return l.start > 0

// Index returns the index of the item currently selected inside the searched list. If no item is selected,
// the NotFound (-1) index is returned.
func (l *List) Index() int {
	selected := l.scope[l.cursor]

	for i, item := range l.items {
		if item == selected {
			return i

	return NotFound

// Items returns a slice equal to the size of the list with the current visible
// items and the index of the active item in this list.
func (l *List) Items() ([]interface{}, int) {
	var result []interface{}
	max := len(l.scope)
	end := l.start + l.size

	if end > max {
		end = max

	active := NotFound

	for i, j := l.start, 0; i < end; i, j = i+1, j+1 {
		if l.cursor == i {
			active = j

		result = append(result, *l.scope[i])

	return result, active