// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
package norm
import (
// MaxSegmentSize is the maximum size of a byte buffer needed to consider any
// sequence of starter and non-starter runes for the purpose of normalization.
const MaxSegmentSize = maxByteBufferSize
// An Iter iterates over a string or byte slice, while normalizing it
// to a given Form.
type Iter struct {
rb reorderBuffer
buf [maxByteBufferSize]byte
info Properties // first character saved from previous iteration
next iterFunc // implementation of next depends on form
asciiF iterFunc
p int // current position in input source
multiSeg []byte // remainder of multi-segment decomposition
type iterFunc func(*Iter) []byte
// Init initializes i to iterate over src after normalizing it to Form f.
func (i *Iter) Init(f Form, src []byte) {
i.p = 0
if len(src) == 0 {
i.rb.nsrc = 0
i.multiSeg = nil
i.rb.init(f, src)
i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain
i.asciiF = nextASCIIBytes
i.info = i.rb.f.info(i.rb.src, i.p)
// InitString initializes i to iterate over src after normalizing it to Form f.
func (i *Iter) InitString(f Form, src string) {
i.p = 0
if len(src) == 0 {
i.rb.nsrc = 0
i.multiSeg = nil
i.rb.initString(f, src)
i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain
i.asciiF = nextASCIIString
i.info = i.rb.f.info(i.rb.src, i.p)
// Seek sets the segment to be returned by the next call to Next to start
// at position p. It is the responsibility of the caller to set p to the
// start of a segment.
func (i *Iter) Seek(offset int64, whence int) (int64, error) {
var abs int64
switch whence {
case 0:
abs = offset
case 1:
abs = int64(i.p) + offset
case 2:
abs = int64(i.rb.nsrc) + offset
return 0, fmt.Errorf("norm: invalid whence")
if abs < 0 {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("norm: negative position")
if int(abs) >= i.rb.nsrc {
return int64(i.p), nil
i.p = int(abs)
i.multiSeg = nil
i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain
i.info = i.rb.f.info(i.rb.src, i.p)
return abs, nil
// returnSlice returns a slice of the underlying input type as a byte slice.
// If the underlying is of type []byte, it will simply return a slice.
// If the underlying is of type string, it will copy the slice to the buffer
// and return that.
func (i *Iter) returnSlice(a, b int) []byte {
if i.rb.src.bytes == nil {
return i.buf[:copy(i.buf[:], i.rb.src.str[a:b])]
return i.rb.src.bytes[a:b]
// Pos returns the byte position at which the next call to Next will commence processing.
func (i *Iter) Pos() int {
return i.p
func (i *Iter) setDone() {
i.next = nextDone
i.p = i.rb.nsrc
// Done returns true if there is no more input to process.
func (i *Iter) Done() bool {
return i.p >= i.rb.nsrc
// Next returns f(i.input[i.Pos():n]), where n is a boundary of i.input.
// For any input a and b for which f(a) == f(b), subsequent calls
// to Next will return the same segments.
// Modifying runes are grouped together with the preceding starter, if such a starter exists.
// Although not guaranteed, n will typically be the smallest possible n.
func (i *Iter) Next() []byte {
return i.next(i)
func nextASCIIBytes(i *Iter) []byte {
p := i.p + 1
if p >= i.rb.nsrc {
p0 := i.p
return i.rb.src.bytes[p0:p]
if i.rb.src.bytes[p] < utf8.RuneSelf {
p0 := i.p
i.p = p
return i.rb.src.bytes[p0:p]
i.info = i.rb.f.info(i.rb.src, i.p)
i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain
return i.next(i)
func nextASCIIString(i *Iter) []byte {
p := i.p + 1
if p >= i.rb.nsrc {
i.buf[0] = i.rb.src.str[i.p]
return i.buf[:1]
if i.rb.src.str[p] < utf8.RuneSelf {
i.buf[0] = i.rb.src.str[i.p]
i.p = p
return i.buf[:1]
i.info = i.rb.f.info(i.rb.src, i.p)
i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain
return i.next(i)
func nextHangul(i *Iter) []byte {
p := i.p
next := p + hangulUTF8Size
if next >= i.rb.nsrc {
} else if i.rb.src.hangul(next) == 0 {
i.info = i.rb.f.info(i.rb.src, i.p)
i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain
return i.next(i)
i.p = next
return i.buf[:decomposeHangul(i.buf[:], i.rb.src.hangul(p))]
func nextDone(i *Iter) []byte {
return nil
// nextMulti is used for iterating over multi-segment decompositions
// for decomposing normal forms.
func nextMulti(i *Iter) []byte {
j := 0
d := i.multiSeg
// skip first rune
for j = 1; j < len(d) && !utf8.RuneStart(d[j]); j++ {
for j < len(d) {
info := i.rb.f.info(input{bytes: d}, j)
if info.BoundaryBefore() {
i.multiSeg = d[j:]
return d[:j]
j += int(info.size)
// treat last segment as normal decomposition
i.next = i.rb.f.nextMain
return i.next(i)
// nextMultiNorm is used for iterating over multi-segment decompositions
// for composing normal forms.
func nextMultiNorm(i *Iter) []byte {
j := 0
d := i.multiSeg
for j < len(d) {
info := i.rb.f.info(input{bytes: d}, j)
if info.BoundaryBefore() {
seg := i.buf[:i.rb.flushCopy(i.buf[:])]
i.rb.insertUnsafe(input{bytes: d}, j, info)
i.multiSeg = d[j+int(info.size):]
return seg
i.rb.insertUnsafe(input{bytes: d}, j, info)
j += int(info.size)
i.multiSeg = nil
i.next = nextComposed
return doNormComposed(i)
// nextDecomposed is the implementation of Next for forms NFD and NFKD.
func nextDecomposed(i *Iter) (next []byte) {
outp := 0
inCopyStart, outCopyStart := i.p, 0
for {
if sz := int(i.info.size); sz <= 1 {
i.rb.ss = 0
p := i.p
i.p++ // ASCII or illegal byte. Either way, advance by 1.
if i.p >= i.rb.nsrc {
return i.returnSlice(p, i.p)
} else if i.rb.src._byte(i.p) < utf8.RuneSelf {
i.next = i.asciiF
return i.returnSlice(p, i.p)
} else if d := i.info.Decomposition(); d != nil {
// Note: If leading CCC != 0, then len(d) == 2 and last is also non-zero.
// Case 1: there is a leftover to copy. In this case the decomposition
// must begin with a modifier and should always be appended.
// Case 2: no leftover. Simply return d if followed by a ccc == 0 value.
p := outp + len(d)
if outp > 0 {
i.rb.src.copySlice(i.buf[outCopyStart:], inCopyStart, i.p)
// TODO: this condition should not be possible, but we leave it
// in for defensive purposes.
if p > len(i.buf) {
return i.buf[:outp]
} else if i.info.multiSegment() {
// outp must be 0 as multi-segment decompositions always
// start a new segment.
if i.multiSeg == nil {
i.multiSeg = d
i.next = nextMulti
return nextMulti(i)
// We are in the last segment. Treat as normal decomposition.
d = i.multiSeg
i.multiSeg = nil
p = len(d)
prevCC := i.info.tccc
if i.p += sz; i.p >= i.rb.nsrc {
i.info = Properties{} // Force BoundaryBefore to succeed.
} else {
i.info = i.rb.f.info(i.rb.src, i.p)
switch i.rb.ss.next(i.info) {
case ssOverflow:
i.next = nextCGJDecompose
case ssStarter:
if outp > 0 {
copy(i.buf[outp:], d)
return i.buf[:p]
return d
copy(i.buf[outp:], d)
outp = p
inCopyStart, outCopyStart = i.p, outp
if i.info.ccc < prevCC {
goto doNorm
} else if r := i.rb.src.hangul(i.p); r != 0 {
outp = decomposeHangul(i.buf[:], r)
i.p += hangulUTF8Size
inCopyStart, outCopyStart = i.p, outp
if i.p >= i.rb.nsrc {
} else if i.rb.src.hangul(i.p) != 0 {
i.next = nextHangul
return i.buf[:outp]
} else {
p := outp + sz
if p > len(i.buf) {
outp = p
i.p += sz
if i.p >= i.rb.nsrc {
prevCC := i.info.tccc
i.info = i.rb.f.info(i.rb.src, i.p)
if v := i.rb.ss.next(i.info); v == ssStarter {
} else if v == ssOverflow {
i.next = nextCGJDecompose
if i.info.ccc < prevCC {
goto doNorm
if outCopyStart == 0 {
return i.returnSlice(inCopyStart, i.p)
} else if inCopyStart < i.p {
i.rb.src.copySlice(i.buf[outCopyStart:], inCopyStart, i.p)
return i.buf[:outp]
// Insert what we have decomposed so far in the reorderBuffer.
// As we will only reorder, there will always be enough room.
i.rb.src.copySlice(i.buf[outCopyStart:], inCopyStart, i.p)
return doNormDecomposed(i)
func doNormDecomposed(i *Iter) []byte {
for {
i.rb.insertUnsafe(i.rb.src, i.p, i.info)
if i.p += int(i.info.size); i.p >= i.rb.nsrc {
i.info = i.rb.f.info(i.rb.src, i.p)
if i.info.ccc == 0 {
if s := i.rb.ss.next(i.info); s == ssOverflow {
i.next = nextCGJDecompose
// new segment or too many combining characters: exit normalization
return i.buf[:i.rb.flushCopy(i.buf[:])]
func nextCGJDecompose(i *Iter) []byte {
i.rb.ss = 0
i.next = nextDecomposed
buf := doNormDecomposed(i)
return buf
// nextComposed is the implementation of Next for forms NFC and NFKC.
func nextComposed(i *Iter) []byte {
outp, startp := 0, i.p
var prevCC uint8
for {
if !i.info.isYesC() {
goto doNorm
prevCC = i.info.tccc
sz := int(i.info.size)
if sz == 0 {
sz = 1 // illegal rune: copy byte-by-byte
p := outp + sz
if p > len(i.buf) {
outp = p
i.p += sz
if i.p >= i.rb.nsrc {
} else if i.rb.src._byte(i.p) < utf8.RuneSelf {
i.rb.ss = 0
i.next = i.asciiF
i.info = i.rb.f.info(i.rb.src, i.p)
if v := i.rb.ss.next(i.info); v == ssStarter {
} else if v == ssOverflow {
i.next = nextCGJCompose
if i.info.ccc < prevCC {
goto doNorm
return i.returnSlice(startp, i.p)
// reset to start position
i.p = startp
i.info = i.rb.f.info(i.rb.src, i.p)
if i.info.multiSegment() {
d := i.info.Decomposition()
info := i.rb.f.info(input{bytes: d}, 0)
i.rb.insertUnsafe(input{bytes: d}, 0, info)
i.multiSeg = d[int(info.size):]
i.next = nextMultiNorm
return nextMultiNorm(i)
i.rb.insertUnsafe(i.rb.src, i.p, i.info)
return doNormComposed(i)
func doNormComposed(i *Iter) []byte {
// First rune should already be inserted.
for {
if i.p += int(i.info.size); i.p >= i.rb.nsrc {
i.info = i.rb.f.info(i.rb.src, i.p)
if s := i.rb.ss.next(i.info); s == ssStarter {
} else if s == ssOverflow {
i.next = nextCGJCompose
i.rb.insertUnsafe(i.rb.src, i.p, i.info)
seg := i.buf[:i.rb.flushCopy(i.buf[:])]
return seg
func nextCGJCompose(i *Iter) []byte {
i.rb.ss = 0 // instead of first
i.next = nextComposed
// Note that we treat any rune with nLeadingNonStarters > 0 as a non-starter,
// even if they are not. This is particularly dubious for U+FF9E and UFF9A.
// If we ever change that, insert a check here.
i.rb.insertUnsafe(i.rb.src, i.p, i.info)
return doNormComposed(i)
 |
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